September 16, 2022 6:00 pm

Jeff Coffman

How To Build the BEST Cash Buyer's List Possible

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Alright guys. Hey, welcome to the channel. My name is Jeff Coffman. As most of you probably know, I am the founder of Sub two empire and Subtle Empire. Before we jump into this, before we get started, I want to quickly ask of all of you, if you're watching this live right now, I would like you don't stop watching, don't pause or anything, but continue watching. But after we wrap this up, head down below this video and hit the like button, if you wouldn't mind. While you're there, we're only talking a couple of centimeters away. There's a notification bell. Go ahead and click that notification bell and you know the deal. YouTube is going to send you an email whenever we go live or whenever we put a new video up on the channel. So go ahead and click that as well. So you never miss any of our content. And like I said, if you're watching this and it's been previously recorded, I'm sorry you missed out on the live because we do enable the chat feature here so you can ask questions and things like that. But if you are watching, it previously recorded, go ahead and pause right now, head down below the video and go through that same process.

Hit that like button, then hit the bell to get notified. We are 100% dedicated delivering to delivering the very best advice on real estate investing and creative finance. Not just on YouTube, but on the entire planet. So before we jump into our topic today, I want to take a moment and introduce to all of you a good friend of mine, my business partner, and just an all around salad dude. This is Mr. Ken Rossics, everybody.

You saw my ego just get bigger as you did that. I appreciate that.

Yeah, man. Now Ken, he's not just my business partner. Ken is a veteran real estate investor. He has hundreds and hundreds of deals under his belt. And not only is he a good friend, excellent real estate investor, real estate investing, retired Ken. So this is his second foray into a little bit different, but it's his second foray into real estate investing, which is he's not just a business partner, he's actually one of our coaches in our coaching program as well. Super knowledgeable dude. And you can find him, find out more about him over So that's the introduction. I appreciate you listening in today. What are we going to talk about today? Today's topic. We are going to kind of split this up a little bit into we're talking about cash buyers today, but a lot of times we don't deal with just cash buyers primarily. But it wouldn't be fair to extend this video out into some unnecessary territory that is going to confuse people. So we want to stick with cash buyers today. I have a very large buyer's list, huge buyers list. It's about 8000 people and I can tell you from experience, from actually wasting a ton of money, from being honest through the platform I used to send out to cash buyers.

Imagine sending out 8000 emails on every single deal that you do that gets super, super expensive. And so the lesson that I really learned here is that while I have this massive cash buyers list, I really only use probably, and I don't really use these guys very often because I have kind of a different way to a little bit different mentality about cash buyers. But they're always good to have in your back pocket, but I really only use about ten to twelve of them on a regular basis. It's really all that you need here.

So don't think you have to spend all that money getting five, six, 8000 like you did.

You really don't need it.

Quality of the cash buyer, not quantity necessarily.

That is key. 100% quality over quantity any day of the week. Yeah. So, Ken, what types of cash buyers? Obviously, we have different types of cash buyers. Let me rephrase that. They have different goals. So what kind of cash buyers are we generally dealing with here?

So let's start by focusing on a couple. So let's talk about the fix and flip buyer, right. The rehabber, so to speak. Just the standard rehab or the guy that just fixes and flips. That's the business model, so on and so forth. In other words, they have the cash to acquire the property at the price and fund the rehab, and then they're going to retail sale that as the exit strategy.

Yeah, they could retail it, or they could be one of these guys that buys these little crappy houses and fixes them up and sells them off to investors. I think in either situation, same end goal in mind, just a different target. They have a different target buyer once the house is rehab.

Right. So when we're talking about cash buyers from that perspective, that's one group and then the second group. Right. So this is the sub to Empire, as you mentioned. So we try to get creative deals and subject to deals. So what about that group of people that maybe have some funds? Maybe they can do a renovation, maybe they have $50,000 that they can fix up a property, but they don't have the other $150,000 to acquire it. So that group of cash buyers, we would say, would be perfect for sub two deals or seller carry back seller finance deals. So we me us, would like to then Novate that deal. Right. Not a sign, but nobate, the sub two deal to that particular group of cash buyers.

Yeah. Incredibly important to understand if you don't know what Novation is. We have separate training on Ovations, but in its most basic and most pure form, a Novation is nothing more than let's just give you an example, a Novation. Let's say that you have a property under contract. There's different types of things that people do with Novations. I'm just giving you in its most basic basic form, when you nobate a contract, what you're doing, they should really call it I kind of thought of this this morning for this video. If you look at the word Novation yet, if you look at the word Novation and it may even mean this, because isn't everything translated to Latin? Isn't that basically what I think that's I haven't looked that up. But if you think of Novation as null and void so it kind of plays off of the word Novation null and void. You are essentially nullifying and voiding one contract and in favor of another. So what you're able to do, let's say if you're a wholesaler and you're buying a property, but I'm sorry, you've got a property under contract where your seller has agreed to do a subject to deal with you, or they've agreed to carry all or a portion of the financing on it, but your business is wholesaling.

So what you can do is you can package that deal up and then you can assign a lot of people would assign that deal. We just don't recommend that you ever assign a creative deal, something that you have, particularly if it's subject to if you have agreed to your seller that you will be the one making those payments and then you turn around and assign that deal, well, guess what? Unless you're like 100% transparent and everything is above board, which I recommend anyway, what happens if your buyer gets into some kind of financial trouble? What's going to happen is he or she is probably going to stop making payments on their first going to stop making payments on debt that is not theirs. And so now they stop making payments on that subject to deal that you've assigned. But guess what? Your seller doesn't see that. Your seller doesn't know that. So now you've opened yourself up to this potentially super dangerous legal bind. And I have seen this before. It hasn't personally happened to me, but I don't assign subjectto deals.

Right? And just remember, as the assigner, you're legally responsible to make those payments per the original subject to agreements that you sign. Just because you're assigning it and then your signee doesn't make good, you're still responsible. You're not abdicating your responsibility. You're just letting a third party make payments for you.

That's right. And with the Novation, what you're doing is you are nullifying. You are avoiding that original contract or some of the terms in that contract. You're creating a brand new contract. It's a new contract between now what is your seller and your buyer. You're just bringing them together. And in that new contract, you can have the terms for how you're going to get paid. It's just a legal way. And I'm not an attorney, neither is Ken, but I have done this. It is just a legal way for you to remove yourself from that equation completely. And now your buyer is obligated to the seller according to the terms of that brand new contract. Yes.

And you're out of it. Wash your hands out of it. Check your feet for bringing them together, whatever it is you're done.

Yes. There's tons of more things you can do about Novation. Like I said, that's a whole separate video, which is something that we really need to clear up for folks. But getting back to the topic at hand here. So we have our fix and flip buyers. Folks who have cash available. Whether that be hard money. Whatever it might be. Or you have folks who might have some cash available to them. Whether that be through private money. Or maybe they have it sitting in their savings account. Whatever it might be. That you can package one of these creative deals up and you can wholesale off to them or Novate to them. Right? What are the other kinds of cash buyers that we might encounter?

So now let's move to the so we have kind of the two over there on the fix and flip side, the rehab side. Now let's talk about the buy and hold. So people that want to buy and hold property and generate cash flow, that looks like so we can also do just like before, we can take our subject to deal and nobody right. Nobody to those buy and hold buyers, and then they're going to cash flow off of that every month. The subjectto deal or the seller finance, maybe it's just a straight seller finance deal that you have that you can also package off.

I'm going to be getting bugged here. I'm getting notifications. I don't know about you.

Yeah, I saw that.

It's our assistant popping in here. I don't know how to turn it. Sorry.

I was distracted, too, when it was all popping, like everything was flashing at once on this screen.

Yeah. All right, so we've got our fix and flip buyers. We've got our buy and hold buyers. Pretty basic. It's just what you're selling them is different, maybe. How? If you're selling them just a regular old cash deal you want to assign, that perfectly fine. Our point is, you can sell subject to deals. You can sell seller carry deals. As long as it is Novated. I cannot recommend enough understanding what Novation is. So the real question is, I guess my big concern here, maybe some of you have this question is why would you go in, why wouldn't you just sell that deal for cash? Why would you carry over a subjectto deal and Novate that to your buyer or some other kind of seller carry deal? Why would you do that? What is the benefit to doing that? So the answer to that question for me is that it's all about the terms, right? So if I can package up a subject to deal and Novate that to another buyer. Almost 100% guarantee this. Not even almost 100% guarantee this. The terms of the financing on that deal are going to be way better than any terms that you're ever going to get from a private money lender.

A hard money lender. A bank. If it happens to be a rehab loan or a commercial loan or something like that. The benefit to your buyer is that they are getting the very best terms possible without having to qualify with 100%.

Without having to qualify, absolutely.

Which kind of brings up another point that I'm not going to get too deep into. But if you're going to be assigning, if you as a wholesaler have gone out and talked to a seller and you build that trust and rapport and that trustworthiness that you should be doing anyway, and then you turn around and say to them, you say, hey, you know what? I've got somebody else I think this deal would be a better fit for. Let me bring them in. I'd like to have you talk with them. And if it's a match, I think I'm going to step out of this deal. I'll just bring you two together. How does that sound? And so that's a real powerful thing. What you're doing is your buyer gets instant credibility, right? Because you've already established the trust and report and your seller trusts you that, you know, number one, what you're talking about, and number two, who you're dealing with. So it's just a much more, in my mind and in my experience, it's just a much more kind of symbiotic and synergistic environment at that point.

Maybe a good time just to interject before we start talking about because I'm curious about how you got 8000 people on your cash buyers list. So we'll talk about that in a second. But we're really trying to target on your cash buyers list, we're trying to target those people that we're talking about here today, especially for the subject to deals to package up for them. Those people that are non qualifying, right? They're not the traditional qualifiers for mortgages. They're not retail buyers, so to speak. They're the non qualifying things, which is why they're interested in taking over the existing mortgage at 3.5% instead of trying to figure out how to get hard money at 15%.

Right? Yeah, absolutely. It just makes sense. Particularly, I would say this has the major benefit to this that I've experienced, is just that maybe some of these deals, it might be right on the edge of just being kind of tight. It might just be kind of a tight deal. And it could be that the terms of that seller finance deal or the terms of that subjectto deal, besides just being super attractive, let's say that it is a tight deal. It might be the determining factor whether or not you can sell that deal. Because monetarily it just makes more sense to novate that with that.

The terms can be just as important, especially if you're a buy and hold. Like so you have a buy and hold cash buyers list. Terms could be very important to them as opposed to the equity margins, especially when they're starting, if they're interested in holding it for 3510 years, whatever the case may be, those terms are really important.

Absolutely, yeah. 100%. It's probably going to be based more your terms are going to be based more on your experience level anyway. So if you're a brand new wholesaler getting into the business, chances are it's kind of like what's the word I'm looking for? It's like you're paying your dues. The easiest money to get is going to be the most expensive. And that's where we come in. That's what we teach our students, is how can we get the very best terms that we can possibly get for whatever exit strategy that we're using. And the best way for us to do that is through creative financing.

Okay, let's switch gears and let's talk about so just the question. Suppose right, is how in the hell did you get 8000 people on your buyer's list?

Man, I'll tell you, it was a lot easier than you might think. It did take me quite a while to do it. Took me about a year and a half. And I'm going to admit something to a lot of folks. I did actually purchase some of my buyers list. I rented let's say I rented somebody else's cash buyers list.

Sorry, but don't cross over that, especially if you're first starting yeah, that might be an easy way to start establishing and getting that. Just pay a little money for it.

100%. The whole idea of going into that was I didn't have a cash buyer's list. And by the way, I do next to zero wholesaling these days. It's just a necessary evil for me. But what I did in the beginning was I didn't have a cash buyer's list. So I started working with other wholesalers, and I started asking them to sell me their deals, to sell my deals. And so what ended up happening was when you do that in this industry and wholesaling, generally speaking, you're looking at a 50 50 split. So every deal that I got that I sold off, I was giving up 50% of my profits. Well, after a while, depending on how aggressive you are with your marketing, after a while that gets super expensive. Up to the point where I got to the point where I really wasn't making any money because I was spending all this money on marketing and then turning around and giving half of my profits away. So it didn't really make much sense. So I came up with this idea. And somebody else might have this out there, may have come up with this idea as well.

But keep in mind, I didn't have really any help figuring this out, but I came up with this idea of, well, why don't I just pay someone a flat fee to use their buyers list instead of giving up half of my deal? So my average fee at that time was anywhere between $3,000. So what I did was I decided to rent a rent access to a buyer's list, and I paid them, I think it was $500 a month, which to me was a great deal. Obviously, you can just do the numbers. So yeah, it's a really creative way for you to network with and be able to use somebody else's buyers list without obviously without spending so much money. So that was number one. That's how I started with this building of this massive list of mine. Then I moved into the thing that got me into wholesaling anyway. And like I said, I'm not a wholesaler. I don't wholesale. I could easily teach you how to do it. As they say, it's a simple business, but it's not easy. Wholesaling is a tough, tough business.

It's very time consuming.

Yeah. Very neat. The next place, really, this is really kind of unconventional, but when I decided that I wanted to have my own, there's something about ownership and really not having to rely on someone else. Because really, at any time that list I was renting, they could have just told me to go pound sand. They could have cut me off completely. So what I started doing was, with every deal, of course, I would add that individual to my buyer's list. Every deal that I sold, I would add them to my buyer's list. Still really wasn't in my mind at the time. It wasn't enough. So what I did was I started looking on the MLS. All right, so the MLS is a goldmine for a lot of things, and if you don't have access to the MLS, it should probably be priority number one. You need access to the MLS. No matter what you're doing. This business, it's super important, or the.

First person you get on your power team is a real estate agent that can provide you information from the MLS.

Absolutely. 100%. Yeah. So what I'll do, I do have the MLS pulled up here, maybe give you just a real quick example of how to go out and find cash buyers on the MLS. Super simple to do, and I'll show you how to get it done. Really what you have to do is you have to kind of combine discovering who these folks are with, and then you're going to have to throw some marketing at them. You're either going to have to pick up the phone and call them. You're going to have to send them some mail. Whatever strategy you want to use to reach out to these folks is fine. But the hard part about this whole process is just finding them. Let me see if I can don't.

Cross over that, jeff. Then you actually have to contact them. Right. There's fear sometimes there of actually going out there, even knocking on their door, direct mail or calling them, whatever you suggested because you actually have to contact them to get the money. Absolutely.

Yes. Good call. All right, so let me pull this up here. All right. So I'm inside our MLS here, and I hope I don't get that. Actually I'm not I think my wife go get licensed because I really didn't want to have to go through that process and I really needed MLS access bad. So you see how important it is to have MLS access. I begged my wife to go do this and she agreed to it. So everybody's MLS looks basically the same. We all have the basic kind of features. This is all built. Most MLS, and there are thousands of MLS across the country, but most MLS use this basic platform and this basic criteria for this basic framework is what I'm trying to say. So can you see this? Okay, let me make sure everybody yeah, okay.

I can see it when you shared it. Yeah.

Okay, cool. So inside the MLS, all you're going to do is you are going to set up your search criteria and all you're looking for are closed deals. Remember, we're searching for cash buyers. We're searching for people who have closed deals. So this is the only option you're going to select. You're going to select closed and you want really active cash buyers. So we only go back 90 days.


All right. And you can set this up your actual property types and not the demographics, but the geographic areas and all of this other stuff, you can set that up how you want it. I'm just going to give you a real quick example of how to do this. So I want to make sure that I am choosing residential. I don't care about beds, beds and all that stuff right now. So what I want to do, depending now, let's say that you have a deal. I don't know. I'm just going to pick a spot here in St. Louis. We're in a St. Louis market. I'm going to pick a deal. I'm going to say Florista, which is a really popular it's a good mix of both residential, retail and rental properties. So obviously I'm looking for people who have purchased with cash and probably going to be either fix and flippers or landlords. So what I want to do is I'm going to start a mile out because obviously it's not super important how far the distance is from the property that you're trying to flip. Right? So I'm going to start with a mile out and I'm going to use a rental property that my wife currently owns.


Now I've got my rental property, I've got closed 90 days. I've got all of my criteria set for the type of property, and now I'm going to go down and I'm going to try and filter all of these sales these sales in the last 90 days. I'm going to try and filter them for only cash transactions. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the very bottom and if you don't have this field available to you right now, all you're going to do and it's this financing field down here. This is what I'm talking about. A lot of times it doesn't show up by default. All you're going to do is go in and click on Add Remove right here and you're going to go in and search for this financing field. And it's just telling you the method that the deal was financed. And as you can see, as you can see, we have all kinds of different financing options. The one we're looking for here is cash. Very simple, right? Super simple. Okay, so now that we have that, we can see it within 1 mile of this address.

In the last 90 days. We look at our results. We have 13 matches. We have 13 people within 1 mile of this property that we're trying to wholesale or trying to sell. 13 people have paid cash. So we just click on there. Sorry, I don't normally do that. Now we've got our list of folks who paid cash for these deals in the last 90 days. So really at this point you're just going to have to dig into each one of these, each listing and find the buyer. You find the buyer's name, you find the billing address or what? I like this is something that changed the MLS here recently, within the past year. Oh wait, it is on the tax. Never mind, it already defaulted to that. Yeah. Okay. So now we've got the owner name, the mailing address and all that good stuff here's where it can get difficult a little bit. We're going to have to do a little bit of work. You can see that this individual's mailing address, our tax and billing address is Las Vegas, Nevada and this is an LLC. Knowing this, knowing this is an LLC, you can jump out on.

I think it's com. I'm kind of zoning on that right now. I think it's You can plug in this LLC name and you can look up some information for this particular buyer. Chances are in this case they have just incorporated in Nevada and this is the registered agents mailing address. Who do you want to try and contact? Well, you're just going to have to dig in and research who actually owns this LLC. And if all else fails, you can simply send a piece of mail to this address. There are no skip tracing services really for LLCs. It can be tough to find these folks. But particularly if we're incorporated like we're in Missouri, we are disclosure state. So I can go out to the Secretary of State's office and I can look up an LLC. I can see who it's registered agents are, I can see its mailing address, all that good stuff. Some of you don't don't have that luxury because it would be a nondisclosure state. It's a little bit tough. It's a little bit time consuming. But I'm telling you, building a list this way, obviously you have the most active cash buyers that are moving on things and closing on properties.

And so that's how you do it inside the MLS can. Am I missing anything here?

No. Just to know, too, I'm a real estate agent in missouri, too. So all that was perfect that you talked about the MLS. I think, though, a point about this particular, this random one that came up here, this LLC that's registered in nevada, and that would be a good one to get on your cash buyers list because that tells me that these people or group of people or whoever the owners of this LLC are pretty serious about the pretty serious about buying. They wouldn't have set up an LLC in Nevada to buy in missouri. Maybe they are in nevada, but my guess is they're probably more local buyers than their LLC just happens to be incorporated in nevada. Yeah, in the chat there, I put it, it is

Yeah. I didn't have the overlay on, so you put it in the private chat. So that really only came to me. So no big deal.

No worries.

All right, perfect.

So just real quick, jeff, MLS is a great way because it's accurate data, it's updated often. You can granularize as you just saw, you can granularize and pull out very specific information to help you along the way with contacting those people. But what other options do you have to build that list?

Yeah, I'm going to kind of breeze through these a little bit because that was the majority of my list and that's why I was able to have a measure of success with it. The majority of my list was built through the MLS. There's many reasons why the MLS is super important, but honestly, this is a big one. I can find buyers pretty rarely on the MLS. So let's jump down through the list. I've got some bullet points here. Number one, networking.


Well, number two, MLS was number one, networking.


This is not just for buyers. I get embarrassed when I tell people this because I am a marketer first. I love marketing folks.

True story. He is a marketer at heart, that's for sure.

Yeah, I do enjoy it. I love putting something out and seeing the results of it, seeing how it performs. But honestly, at this point, I'm so niche down. I've got such a finely tuned goals. I know exactly what I'm looking for, and so I'm able to communicate that with people. And so I network with a ton of people. So all of my deals for the past. Year and a half. Year and a half have come through referrals period. So that is no different than if you're trying to build this list. You've got to talk to everyone. You just have to it's not even an option if you are an introvert, just a born introvert. Like, I can sit in my house and not leave my house for hours or days. So it takes a lot of energy for me to get out there and talk to people, but it's an absolute must. And so talk to people. Tell people what you're doing. Start taking down their names, numbers and emails. Put them in your CRM or put them in a mail campaign, whatever you got to do to stay in touch with them. And every time a deal comes up that you want to sell off to somebody else, well, there you go.

So networking is a huge one. Yeah.

And just real quick, if I get intervened, everybody you meet should go on some list. Everybody you meet, especially if you're going to your real estate investors group meetings in your area, everybody you meet should go on some list, whether it's a buyer's list, it's a seller's list, it's a contractor list, it's someone that could be on your power team list, whatever it is, everybody should be going on some list somewhere.

Yeah, good call. Good advice. Excellent advice. Next one up for me. This is a little bit of a hack. A lot of folks might not know about this, but Google My Business is a free listing service through Google. So whenever you go out and you search Google for, I don't know, you search it for wholesalers. If a buyer is looking for a property to fix and flip, they can go Google that. So if you have a Google My Business listing and there happened to be in the area where you have that listing, it's a free thing. It's a free service. You don't have to pay anything for that. It's not like one of these sources that's going to be super active, but it's free. You might as well do it. There's no reason not to. So Google my business a big, big one and this is where you're going to find a bulk of active buyers, and you're also going to find a lot of posers. You're going to find a lot of people that are new, that are just in these groups because they're kind of learning. So you're going to have to weed through these.

But social media, you can find a ton of buyers on social media.

Yes. But do be careful because they're all just flat out con artists, too.

That's true.

You got to be careful. You got to vet that. You got to be careful. And especially which platform you're using. Facebook, which Facebook has groups and all kinds of things kind of dedicate and related to that. But just be careful.

Yeah. The point I want to bring up about social media is I don't know how many times I get in there and I look at this stuff every day. I just get in there. I don't know why. Because for me it's like I think of this when somebody posts a deal in social media and then you have all of these people plugging their email addresses in there. First of all, those are your email addresses. You know who the person is and you know their email address. Now it should probably go on your list.


You're going to send them a message and ask them if they want to receive other deals from you. And if they don't, you take them off the list. If they do, you just start sending them all your deals. But my point is all of these people throw their names in this big pot and so what do you think that does? All that does is creates competition. Now you're fighting to pay the most money for this deal. It doesn't make any sense to me. I don't know why anybody would ever do that. It's crazy. I'm not in the business of spending the most on every deal that I buy. However, knowing that now you can understand why people do that because it just creates this kind of this feeding frenzy on your deals. And you can get I've sold tons of deals in social media, like probably more through social media than any other channel, honestly. So we've got social media.

I'm going to make a plug, right. Just from a Facebook perspective. Probably would be the one of the bigger channels there for that. Come to the Subtoon Empire Facebook page and join our group. And you can post things in the group. We have a quality group there.

Yeah. Creative real estate investing mastery. Just check that out. Or you can just look up really you can look up Subtwo Empire on any platform. We're the only ones with a name like that. So Subto Empire be happy to have you inside the group. Next one on our list is list building and direct mail. You can easily go out and buy a cash buyer's list from a list source, from a list ability. You can even get it from Prop stream. I don't rely on Prop Stream for a whole lot. A lot of their data is stale. But you can easily find very affordable to find a list of cash buyers in the area and simply send out mail. And you're not looking at any one of these really exclusively to build your buyers list. Any one of these strategies. This is a combined effort. You're looking at it from many different points. You're trying to find these folks in many different areas. So list building is a simple one. It's not going to be free. You're going to have to send out mail. You can even cold call these folks if you wanted to. Yeah.

Although there is a lot of restrictions coming down the pike, and cold calling, I think, is going to be very, very tough on people here very soon. Next one we got, obviously, bandit signs. I don't know. I have a phone. My phone is full of pictures of bandit signs. Every bandit sign I see, I take a picture of.

Yeah, I do, too.

So why not start posting banda signs for buyers? That only makes sense. I'm telling you, you fill up your database with these. If you are actively doing it and you're on a schedule, you could use bandit signs alone. Like I said, it's very active. It's not the funnest thing to do, but it is very effective.

Just be careful where you place your bandit signs of municipalities, at least here in our market, st. Louis area, are very strict. They'll find you, they'll hunt you down and ticket you. So just be a little careful with that. And of course, they'll disappear over time, too, so you'll have to request them.

Yeah. And that's one of those things I don't know if I really want to say this out loud, but it's one of those things that don't use your cell phone. Let's just leave it at that. Personal or cell phone number. All right, what else we got, Ken?

We just have a couple of online options if you want to toss those maybe into the chat there, too. For

Yeah, let me throw that in there real quick.

And Formerlygosection

Yeah, I likego section better. It was easier to spell affordable housing. Remember to remember. Why would you ever go browse either one of these? Unless you're looking for unless you want to list a property on there. Well, the answer to that is there are tons of landlords. Obviously, if you're trying to sell a deal to a landlord, these are great resources. Through these resources, you can reach out directly to landlords, and a lot of these will list they will list property management companies on there. And people have this aversion to reaching out to property management companies. And I'm telling you, that is a huge mistake. Yes, they're in the same business that we are, and property management yeah, they have deals left and right. They constantly have landlords wanting to sell their properties off. And I'm telling you, it's a huge mistake if you don't reach out to them.

Absolutely. Pro tip. That's the big pro tip of the day. Don't neglect the property managers. Absolutely.

Yeah. Which is kind of ironic, because the reason their clients are trying to sell their rental properties is probably because it's terrible property management. I don't know.

They just want to retire. They just want to retire.

Yeah. So anyway, yeah, I think that's really about all I've got here.

I think that will probably wrap this one up. They're talking about our first list building specifically related to the cash buyers, and we talked about kind of the rehab side of it and then the buy and hold side of it, which we finished up here. And by the way, too, I don't want to put you on the spot or anything because it's your list, but as new people come in and they want to say, well, hey, I like that idea of renting somebody's list, well, hey, why don't you contact us? There's an 8000 person buyer's list sitting around here.

That's right. Yeah, I didn't even think about that. Good call. See, this helps out with that list. You can go to number one on If you go up in the menu under the Resources tab, you're going to see we JB with people. We also buy deals. So don't be afraid to jump in there. And if you've got a deal, you need to sell. Now we have certain states that we're only buying in, but we have students all over the country. So what's it going to hurt? If you've got a deal that you want to sell, throw that deal And just like I said, jump to the Resources tab. There's a Sell us Your Deals link that you can click on. Also we have a JV program where we actually help people close their subjectto deals. And then of course, you can go out and do whatever you like with that. If you're buying a whole investor, you can keep it. But maybe you don't quite understand how the whole seller finance or subjectto process works. Happy to help you with that. And then lastly, if you go to Subto Deals let me throw that in there.

They don't recognize the dot deals. Doesn't look like as a URL. Let me do it this way.

There you go.

There we go. Sub, two deals. Subtwels is where you can go in and sign up for the buyers list. If you're looking for creative deals, it's a brand new website, so don't get discouraged. But go ahead, jump in there and get signed up on it. And the way that that works is we match folks. We're able to match if you're looking for deals, I don't know if you're in Texas, if you look for deals in Texas, we can match that up. We have the properties tagged so that it would send you a notification. We can get really granular with it. So those are three. A couple of resources for you here. Let me do this other one just real quick. My Subtit partner is a direct link to that Sell Your Deal page. So yeah, just go ahead and visit all of those. Why not?

Yeah, I was just going to say just go to and spend some time there. You'll be stunned and amazed at the resources you have at your fingertips that we provide you free complimentary access.

That's right. This is why you're a partner, man. Because I get in the weeds, dude, I really do. So anyway, that's all I got. You got anything else, Ken?

No? That's good. We'll wrap this one up.

All right, guys, take care. Thanks for joining us. We'll catch you next time.

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About the Author

Jeff Coffman is a real estate investor, creative finance expert, coach and mentor to aspiring real estate entrepreneurs across the United States. Jeff provides a dynamic mix of traditional investing advice and creative real estate acquisitions strategies like "Subject-To" and Lease-Options to help investors like you build and grow your brands and businesses.

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